for its quality product and excellent service. Started by Donnie Sims and Glen Hamer
in north Alabama, “Spotstickers” were one of the first “Shaky head” style jigheads designed
solely for Bass Fishing In 2011, the company was purchased and moved to Georgia and is currently be maned by
Ryan Coleman who has been involved with SpotSticker products since the early 2000’s. Ryan
has been a professional guide on Georgia’s Lake Lanier for 14 years and winner of the 2006
Bassmaster southern Tour on Lake Lanier on solely Spotsticker products.
Our goal at SpotSticker Baits is to continue to offer effective and affordable products to
fishermen while continuing the excellent service that SpotSticker Baits has been known
for since its beginning. No matter if your target is Spotted Bass, Largemouth Bass or
Smallmouth, Spotsticker Baits has a product to help you catch more fish. We appreciate
your business.