Rules for SpotStickers No-Entry Fee Tournament
- Only SpotSticker artificial baits may be used. This includes our Jigheads, Jigs, Spinnerbaits, Hand-poured worms, custom painted crankbaits and Jerkbaits, underpins, Plastics and dropshot weights.
- 5-Fish limit per team, 14″ minimum on all black bass.
- One pound penalty for each dead fish – 2 dead fish maximum
- Teams late for weigh-in will be disqualified. No culling fish at the weigh in. No more than 6 fish in the boat at one time
- Life Jackets must be worm at all times when the outboard motor is started and kill switch must be connected and operational.
- No Radios or cell phones may be used for the purpose of locating or catching fish.
- Protests must be submitted in writing to the tournament director within 15 mins of the final boat check at weigh-in: The tournament director will have final decision on all protests.
- All participants agree to submit to a polygraph test. Any team winning Cash or prizes many be tested.
- Tackle allowed
- Only SpotSticker/S.O.B. Fishing tackle will be allowed.
- We will have all your Plastics needs covered very soon. Be patient. More to come
- All boats that win cash or prizes will be completely searched for non-conforming products…
- One of the participants must be the registered owner of the Skeeter to qualify for the bonus money. No borrowed boats.
****Only SpotSticker Lures may be in your boat – Boats will be inspected and any boat with non-conforming baits found will be disqualified ****
If you have any questions about the rules, contact Ryan at 770-356-4136